Monday, September 10, 2012

Relaxed few days

We've had some fairly quiet days. Every day we have had to go to the hospital for 15 minutes of IV antibiotics. Today was the first day in a long time we visited the out patient clinic, since we've been inpatient in Unit 1 so long, Liam enjoys the toys in the waiting room (in the picture). After the antibiotics, we went for a quick play at the park at the Children's Hospital.

Liam is definitely more tired than he has been. Today, I insisted he walk through the hospital to the clinic (need to keep working those legs), he's been riding in the stroller lately, he was complaining that he was tired, but he did well. He's also wanting to watch more tv than he normally does.

Liam is eating a little "by mouth", but he is not keen on it. Last night he had some alphaghetti and quesidilla, but that's pretty much all for yesterday besides his tube feeds.

The plan is to start the second cycle of consolidation chemo on Tuesday Sept 17 (admit to Unit 1 the Sept 16 in the evening). Liam is pretty much following the "as expected" in terms of recovery, he's following the 28 day cycle.

Same as the previous cycle, Liam will get chemo on Tuesday Sept 17 & Wednesday Sept 18, then the stem cell rescue will be on Monday Sept 24. In this cycle, it took Liam 10 days after the stem cell rescue for his blood cell counts to come back, so we'll see if that is true again this time.


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