Friday, November 30, 2012

Radiation Planning Next Week

After the neuro assessment on Tuesday, we managed to stay away from the Children's Hospital for the rest of the week (so far). The kids enjoyed preschool for a few days. We are not going out much because it seems like everyone has a cold or flu right now. Liam is not neutropenic (when he has no immunity), but he is still immune compromised, so it's just easier on our lives if he doesn't get sick.

We still don't know exactly when Liam starts radiation. On Monday morning, Liam goes to get the Tom Baker Cancer Centre to get the simulation done and mask created. It's great that they get us in early at 8:30am because this requires anesthetic, therefore Liam can't have food or water before. After this is done, the radiology team needs time to finish up their planning, then we will get started. A pediatric anesthesiologist comes to Tom Baker for the kids that are getting treatment.

The Mayo clinic has a bit of an overview of what Liam will go through Radiation Planning.


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